Apache spark streaming analytic engine for predicting patient deterioration using physiological data
Engine consists of two parts
)At this early stage real deterioration data is not provided, but there are many physiological realtime datasets on the web, so for a proof-of-concept I selected The University of Queensland Vital Signs Dataset.
I chose 6 features (heart rate, blood ox. saturation, blood pressure etc.). The task is to predict end-tidal sevoflurane concentration that patient will have next second.
Dataset processing, model training and exporting is done in Jupyter Notebook (model/notebooks/predict-etSEV.ipynb
For this task I used linear regression with Tensorflow. Achieved accuracy is >99.99%, so linear methods are more than sufficient for this problem.
For sake of brevity, engine operates on data received through socket and prints predictions to stdout.
nc -l 9999
0.73469388 1.0 0.80851064 0.77011494 0.45238095 0.5952381 0.24137931 0.37037037